Tiny Tush Baby Cakes

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The Origin of Baby Gift Boxes

Interestingly, Baby Boxes are a gift than Finnish mothers receive from the government. Expectant mothers first started receiving these maternity packs in 1938 and all mothers-to-be in Finland continue to receive them to this day. They contain baby essentials such as a mattress, clothes, nappies, blankets, sheets and books. In order to receive the box mothers must visit a doctor or prenatal clinic prior to their fourth month of pregnancy.

These boxes are brilliant as they encourage women to visit medical professionals and provide mothers from all socioeconomic backgrounds with the basics that are required in the first year of the baby’s life. For low income families, these starter gift boxes are a life saver and equip babies with seasonally appropriate clothes like outdoor gear and a sleeping bag. Better still, the box that the gifts are received in doubles as the baby’s first bed and later comes in handy for storage! With a mattress that fits into the bottom of the box babies can sleep securely and safely until about 3 months old. The decline in infant mortality rates in Finland are attributed to these boxes.

Just as these Finnish gift boxes were designed with the aim to provide mothers with practical and essential items, Tiny Tush Baby Cakes was also created for this purpose. To provide gifts to new and expecting mums that are not only beautifully presented but ones which are practical and contain essential baby items.

As well as designing nappy cakes, we have also added ‘mum and baby’ gift boxes to our range. These include baby items such as bibs, booties and bodysuits with a little something for mum too. The boxes can later be used to store keepsake items.

Visit our shop to view our range of baby gift boxes, perfect for a baby shower gift or to congratulate mum and welcome baby to the world.

Gender neutral baby gift box